The Peacock Abstractions Quilt Pattern PDF Download

The Peacock Abstractions Quilt Pattern PDF Download


The Peacock Abstractions Quilt pattern is a multi-option quilt pattern in the Abstractions series. This foundation paper pieced quilt pattern is made of units that can be combined in different ways to make different quilts.  

This project booklet includes instructions and yardage requirements for the three options shown. Quilts use Robert Kaufman Manchester and Kona Cotton Solids. Color chart for each quilt included. 

Instructions assume a knowledge of foundation paper piecing. If you are new to paper piecing or just want a thorough explanation of the construction of these blocks, please visit our Tutorials page

Before beginning this pattern determine which pieces you need from the chart inside. Copy or trace the PATTERN TEMPLATES at 100% to retain your original templates. Templates must be printed on 8 ½” x 11” paper on a dark enough setting to retain all details.

The download is a PDF file containing 26 pages. 

The first 8 pages are the full color instruction booklet that should be printed on standard 8.5" x 11" paper. 

The following 18 pages contain templates to be printed at 100% on 8.5" X 11" paper. Templates can be printed in black & white and should be printed on a dark enough setting to capture all of the detailed information on the templates. 

THIS IS FOR A PDF DOWNLOAD. For a paper pattern, please inquire at your local quilt shop.  

The secure link to the pdf pattern will be automatically delivered via e-mail as soon as your payment is received. The e-mail you receive will include the link to download the file directly to your computer. 

Our shopping cart system only allows you to download for 24 hours after purchase. We wish we could change this setting, but we can not. If your download expires, DON'T PANIC, simply email us and we will get back to you as soon as we can :)

PDF pattern is for personal use only and may not be copied or shared in any form. Thank you!

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