The Citrus Grove Quilt PDF Pattern

The Citrus Grove Quilt PDF Pattern


The Citrus Grove Quilt is a fun play on the Drunkard’s Path block. Although the shape is similar, and the curved piecing technique is the same, the Citrus Grove blocks are trimmed, pieced and combined in a unique way.

The Citrus Grove Quilt can be made in different sizes depending on the size of templates used to complete the quilt. Yardage requirements and full instructions are included for use with 3” or 5” finished Quarter Circle template patterns which are provided for transfer to template plastic.

Fabric used on cover is Betty’s Luncheonette by Violet Craft for Robert Kaufman Fabrics.

Finished Quilt sizes are: Fruit Salad (front cover) 65'“ X 72” and Lemon Grove (back cover) 39” x 43”

Before beginning this pattern, print the template patterns on 8.5” x 11” paper and transfer to template plastic.

The download is a PDF file containing 9 pages with the templates on the last page. For best results print the first 8 instruction pages in color and the last page in grayscale. 

THIS IS FOR A PDF DOWNLOAD. For a paper pattern, please inquire at your local quilt shop.  

The secure link to the pdf pattern will be automatically delivered via e-mail as soon as your payment is received. The e-mail you receive will include the link to download the file directly to your computer. 

Our shopping cart system only allows you to download for 24 hours after purchase. We wish we could change this setting, but we can not. If your download expires, DON'T PANIC, simply email us and we will get back to you as soon as we can :)

PDF pattern is for personal use only and may not be copied or shared in any form. Thank you!

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